Freehay from Oakamoor Ride (7.52 miles 12.03 km ) Print

This is a lovely all off road ride through Dimmingsdale. There are many tracks on the northern side of the valley for you to explore. Combine with Croxden for a longer ride. For a video of the ride, click here: midlifecrisis

Download:    Freehay 1.gpx

FRE1w01 Waypoint 1
Ride south on the Churnet Way.
FRE1w02 Waypoint 2
Use the ramp to climb from the Way and across the bridge
FRE1w06 Waypoint 3
Cross Red Road, pass the Ramblers Retreat on your left and ride through the ovespill car park. Follow this track to a road.
FRE1w03 Waypoint 4
At the road turn right
FRE1w04 Waypoint 5
At the road junction at Old Furnace turn right on a bridleway. Follow this to a dam across the pools.
FRE1w05 Waypoint 6
At the dam cross over to the far side and turn left on the track you came on to retrace your steps to the parking area